Benzigar Codes

3+ years in Tech

Benzigar Codes

Full Stack Developer

@ Agilisium

Things I do

App Development

I specialize in developing Android applications using React Native. I'm proficient in building signed APKs using both Expo and React Native CLI, and I have the expertise to successfully publish apps on the Google Play Store.

Web Development

I leverage Next.js to construct high-performance websites and web applications, and I'm proficient in deploying them seamlessly to Vercel for optimized global reach and scalability.

BackEnd Development

I excel in backend development using Node.js, GraphQL, and sockets to establish robust and efficient integrations between frontend applications and databases.

Database Management

I can effectively design and establish databases that align with specific application requirements and data integrity standards.

Servers Management

I have the expertise to establish and configure servers effectively, ensuring optimal performance and reliability for various application needs.